How Counselling for Anxiety Works

By Christina Radziejewski

counselling for anxietyThe counselling approach used by your counsellor will depend on the type of anxiety that you are experiencing.

There are various types of therapies that can be used to treat anxiety successfully.

Many therapists use Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to treat generalized anxiety. In addition, some therapists use Systematic Desensitization Therapy to help people deal with specific phobias.

Furthermore, many therapists have used Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing successfully in treating post-traumatic stress.


How Counselling for Anxiety Works

​As part of the process, your counsellor may introduce you to coping strategies such as relaxation techniques. They may review other relevant aspects of daily functioning that are hindering your ability​ to manage your anxiety.

Additionally, they would discuss life and work situations you are in that may be factors. Finally, they may review dietary habits that may be affecting daily anxiety levels.


A Holistic Approach

​Some of you may wish to take a holistic approach to treating anxiety. Specifically, you may include other useful life skills such as the practice of yoga or meditation. For others, you may want to incorporate a workout routine. Some of us could benefit from just saying “No”. Undoubtedly, when we take care of the various aspects of our lives, we will start to feel better.

​However, if you wish to take anti-anxiety medication, please speak with your family doctor. Your doctor will inform you about the various options available. Most importantly, they will advise you of any possible side effects and monitor your dosage.

​Certainly, therapy has helped many people cope with their anxiety without medication. Therefore, if this is your preference, speak with your counsellor or your family doctor about it.

