Resources & Helplines
The following Helplines are useful if you wish to speak with someone anonymously or if you are not able to get an immediate appointment with a therapist. We have also included resources for help with addictions, ADHD, and more.
However, should you be experiencing an Emergency situation, please call 911.
For Children & Youth
For children 310-1234 (area code not required)
Children Who Witness Abuse 604-941-7111
Kids Help Phone (counselling & bullying issues) 1-800-668-6868
Youth Matters 778-648-9887
West Coast Kids Cancer Foundation 604-394-2029
Crisis & Emergency
After hours Mental Health Emergency Services 604-527-0009
Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 604-872-3311
Victim Link 1-800-563-0808 (24-hour crisis line, services available in multiple languages)
Coquitlam Victim Services 604-945-1550
Adult ADHD Centre Tel: 604-525-8124 Email: The Adult ADHD Centre, led by renowned expert Dr. Parhar, offers the most affordable adult ADHD assessments across Canada.
Alcoholics Anonymous Vancouver 604-434-3933
Problem Gambling Helpline 1-888-795-6111 (24 hour, toll-free)
Talitha Koum Society (604) 492-3393 for women in recovery