Easy Self Care Strategies Everyone Can Do

Are you taking care of yourself? The topic of self-care has never been more important. When COVID19 hit, it became crucial that we take care of ourselves.

As we universally experience heightened anxiety and worry about an uncertain future, it became even more important that we engage in self-care.

One could even say that self-care is critical for our peace of mind especially during a pandemic. The truth is, self-care has always been important. Yes, even pre-pandemic. 

If we were asked whether we take care of ourselves, it seems like a simple enough and somewhat silly question to ask.

Why, yes of course, we take care of ourselves … every single day!

The concept of self-care is actually more than just taking care of ourselves. Here’s what we mean …

Self Care Strategies during COVID19 pandemic

What is Self Care?

Self-care is any thought or behaviour that we might think or do intentionally to take care of ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally.

While we would say brushing our teeth twice a day is taking care of ourselves, it is not self-care. We feed ourselves several times a day, that is not self-care either, although some might argue otherwise (see below). We go to sleep when it’s time to, that’s not what we mean by self-care. These are things that we need to do to keep our body functioning.

Self-care goes well beyond that.


Self-care is when we are intentional about what we are doing.

Self-care re-energizes and revitalizes.

It gives us fuel when we are lacking in energy,

and nourishes not just our body, but our spirit as well.


Here are some examples, and suggestions, of easy self-care strategies that everyone can do!  Certainly, this is by no means an exhaustive list, and you would have your own list of self-care activities and strategies that work just for you.


Easy Self Care Strategies Everyone Can Do


Maintaining good relationships

When we invest in time in our loved ones, friends, co-workers, or people in our community, we not just enrich our souls, but theirs as well.

The gift of time is a precious gift, because time spent cannot be recovered. 

Nothing else can compare to time spent in a genuine, warm encounter with another human being.


Learning to say “No”

Some of us may have a problem saying no, setting limits, or establishing clear boundaries. The desire to please, perhaps. The need to be liked, maybe?

Saying no when we are already busy or when we just can’t take on another task, is honouring our self, our need to recharge, our need to spend time – with our self.

It is one of the kindest things we could do for ourselves.

It also helps us to manage our stressors, whether they are from work, or from home. Read about Stress Management here.

Also learn to say no to too much screen time, no to junk food, no to extensive time in front of the tv or gaming console.


Adopt a “success” mindset

To be more precise, set yourself up for success.

When we have a “success” mindset, we find that things fall into place because we designed it that way.

Don’t know how? Call us and we’ll be happy to share with you.


Eat and Sleep Well

Eating healthily promotes good health, as does sleeping sufficiently.

If you are spending long hours working from home, it is easy to slip into poor eating and sleeping habits.

Some of us might resort to eating as a coping mechanism; others are playing games into the wee hours of the night, waking up perhaps closer to lunch time.

Make a commitment to yourself to eat and sleep well, and stick to a plan. If it’s helpful, involve someone to whom you are accountable. 



Working from home? A walk around the home office, house or neighbourhood every hour, does wonders to our circulation and mental health.

Nature has been shown over and over again in countless studies to do wonders for mental health.

Here’s a Harvard study that has concluded mood disorders can improve when we are in touch with nature.


Look for goodness

When we train our mind to look for the good in others, or in situations or events, the outcome is greater good.

When we search for good, we manifest good. When we smile at someone, we are more likely to lift their spirits than if we were to be indifferent towards them.


What other self-care strategies do you do for yourself?